Weekend in the canton Appenzell

Weekend in the canton Appenzell

On the way to Appenzell we pass the town of Sankt Gallen, sure worth to visit again.

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 We arrived in Appenzell on Thursday 1st of August which is the Swiss National day, so there was a lot of celebration going on.

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Ruin Clanx

The above Panorama shot I took from the Ruin Clanx (map on the left), nord of the town Appenzell.

Music by the famous yodel club “Alpeblueme Herisau with the song Zäuerli” 

The weather was very nice and VERY hot… on Friday we hike from the town of Appenzell to Stein where the “Appenzeller Show Cheese Dairy” is located, the place where thye make the famous Appenzeller cheese.

On Saturday there was the Alphorn festival at lake Seealpsee, very interesting indeed.

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Early on Sunday, yes really early at 6:00 o’clock we went with the cable car to the top of Säntis mountain (2502m / 8208f). Watching the beautiful sunrise.

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After meditating (can you find Lingga on the Photo on the left?) and a hearty breakfast we enjoyed the scenery….

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Once back down we attended a mountain service, held by the famous pastor Beat Antenen. The ceremony was accompanied by a yodeling group and by a group of alpenhorns, very different.

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Tanamal Sisters Photo Session

Tanamal Sisters Photo Session

Boyfriends come and go. Husbands die; children leave. But sisters will always be there, from cradle to grave. From sisters – Sisters

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With my sis Hera excising her skills, we all are the benefactors in exercising our failed dream of walking on a catwalk!  So instead we posed by the infinity pool overlooking the Indian Ocean. The Tanamal sisters were perfect photo models.  The bright color T-shirts were courtesy of Perfect Moment photographer.  Nice gift – a photo session came with the outfit made us feel like Heidi Klum.  Some of us wore ‘short-short’ because we don’t think our smooth legs looked like ‘bongkol pisang’ (banana trunk)!   Feeling sexy will make you look sexy regardless of the banana trunk!

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Betawi Girls Day

Betawi Girls Day

I just arrived in Jakarta last night for the wedding – 2 days before Jakob and Mami.  Today, my childhood friends and I got together for lunch at Kempinski Grand Indonesia and of course for a photo session. Hera with her Perfect Moments crew aka Nadya and Tashia joined also. These two girls were worrying if the crew got lunch also or just aqua :-)) After a nice photo session filled with laughter, we had scrumptious Indonesian buffet for lunch.

With: Dyna, Like, Lina, Siauw Fie, Suryani, Florence

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Mother’s day

Mother’s day

For Mother’s day, we had asparagus at the Schnägge-Straussi in Tüligen, which is just across the border in Germany. A Straussi Restaurant is only open for the asparagus season and if they produce wine for the grape harvest season.

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Farewell Party for our dear friend Yenny

Farewell Party for our dear friend Yenny

Farewell Party for our dear friend Yenny, which is soon leaving for London to pursuit a new career as a Pastry-Chef. We wish her all the best and surly will miss her. Anyhow as it’s still a couple weeks away, there sure arise some more changes to have more Farewell-Party’s 😉

Boston Marathon… what a sad day…

Boston Marathon… what a sad day…

What a scary world 🙁 Today at the Boston Marathon at the finish line after two bombs took place… 2 dead and over 50 injured… I feel very sad for my fellow runners…

Boston Marathon_what a sad day

UPDATE: The sad fact, 3 dead and 160 injured in the Boston Marathon bombing…

The good news is that Obama kept his word and the terrorist are caught as of Friday 19th April, one dead and one “Dzhokhar Tsarnaev” jailed, and as this did not happen in Switzerland you can be confident that he will get his punishments for sure. Thank you to all the helpers, firefighters and police officer who did a very good job.

Finally the first spring day…

Finally the first spring day…

FINALLY our first spring day with the temperature above 20°C (68°F) and a blue sky, sure hope it stays this way 😉

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